Baby-Led Weaning Avocado

Every mom can attest to avocado being a superfood. I mean, this fruit is found in almost every grocery store at an affordable price and can be offered as a snack or meal to your baby. Also, leave alone the nutrients it supplies to your munchkin; you can easily prepare it in seconds since it does not require cooking.

With avocado, your only work will be determining the best way to present it to your baby. So, you can either blend it into a smooth puree, mash it with a fork to be chunky, or slice it into appropriate sizes that will be easy for your baby to grip.

The benefit of Avocado for Baby

It is absolutely right to rate avocado as the top food with the most nutrient density in the world. It will help your baby meet his dietary needs since it is rich in about 20 vitamins, magnesium, potassium, minerals, heart-healthy fats, fibre, and foliates.

The nutrients in this fruit help boost your child’s vision, heart, digestive, mood, nervous system health, brain growth, gross motor skills, and fight cancer cells.

In addition, avocados can improve your child’s immunity. It contains antioxidants, antimicrobial and anti-inflammation properties, which help protect your baby from sickness.Avocado fat can help in managing your baby’s dry skin. It ensures your little one is lubricated from the inside. Also, potassium helps in building strong and healthy muscle tissue.

When Can Babies Eat Avocado?

You can introduce avocado to your baby as soon as they are ready to begin solids, which is from the age of 6 months. Avocado is such a wonderful first food since when ripe, it is soft, creamy in texture, has a mild flavour, and is loaded with nutrients.

However, with the doctor’s approval, giving a baby between 4-6 months avocado puree is safe. But, the baby has to be ready and show signs of their readiness before attempting to give them anything.

Check if they can easily sit without support, their neck is firm enough to keep the head steady and upright, they have started placing objects in their mouth, lack tongue thrust reflex, and have shown interest in food by leaning forward or opening their mouth. If you notice any of those signs, then you need not worry since they are up to the task.

How to Prepare Avocado for Babies with Baby-Led Weaning

Before beginning baby-led weaning, you have to ensure your baby’s safety is well upheld. So, get a health provider to give you the go-ahead and explain to you when and how best you can offer food to your baby. Get to know the right sizes and shapes of food to give your baby to reduce choking risk.

Our recommendation on the cutting of avocado for your kid is not fixed for all babies. Therefore, we advise you to go with your kid’s pace and follow the safety protocol to ensure your baby has a safe eating environment.

6-9 Months Old

If it is the first solid, you can either mash or blend the ripe avocado into a smooth puree. Begin with one spoonful per day as you increase the ratio since your baby will get more nutrients from breast or formula milk.

Also, you can give in large halves to your baby. If it becomes slippery for them to hold, roll the avocado piece in shredded coconut or hemp seed.

9 – 12 Months Old

At this stage, your baby’s grasping skill has really improved. Therefore, they can pick up smaller food pieces. With that, this is the appropriate time to reduce the cuttings into small bite-size pieces.

At first, your baby may find it difficult to pick, which is absolutely fine. Continue with the large pieces as you alternate with the reduced size until they get used to it.

12 Months Old And Above

This is where you get to shine in your creative skills. Of course, your toddler is already familiar with using utensils. But, remember, they have also developed their best and worst meals. Therefore, it is up to you to make it as yummy and fun as possible.

You can serve the avocado in half with its skin and, in a fun way, give it to your kid as an avocado boat. Place a spoon and let them scoop from the “avocado boat.” Either way, you can also serve it as homemade guacamole alongside pieces of steamed veggies or whole-grain pita.

Is Avocado A Common Allergen?  

Avocados are among the least allergenic foods. However, some babies may at first react to avocados due to lack of enzymes responsible for breaking down avocados. Good thing the problem quickly disappears after the development of the gut microbiome.

Another possible reason for your baby to develop an allergy could be due to traces of tree pollen or latex allergy. Often people with such allergies react to the protein found in avocados since it is structurally similar to that of natural rubber latex.

Can Avocado Help In Baby Constipation?

Yes, avocado can help relieve constipation since it is a source of unsaturated fats and soluble and insoluble fibre. However, the stool can slow down if your child has an improper food balance. Also, remember to keep an eye on your kid since constipation and diarrhoea can result from an allergic effect.


Your baby has a lot to gain from feeding avocados. Being a superfood, it helps in your baby’s growth and development. In addition, studies have proven avocados to stand against cancer, inflammation, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. Also, it reduces the risk of obesity in kids.

As long as the baby has a balanced diet, there is no harm in giving them avocado every day. Give it as a fruit as you supplement it with other meals. For a six-month-old, 2-4 teaspoons per day are enough for them. Avoid cooking avocado since heat destroys fibres and other important nutrients your baby may need.

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